Long-horned Beetle, Mexico   
 Horse Fly
 Jumping spider. I can see four eyes, can you see any more?
 Hover Fly, this insect mimics wasps.
 Family of the Milkweed Bug.
 Planthopper, found on my screen door.
 This spider is eating a grasshopper. Seen at the LA Museum, in their spider exhibit.
 A Swarm of bees, on a tree trunk in Central Park, Huntington Beach.
 Rhinoceros Beetle, Ecuador 
 Rhinoceros Beetle, Ecuador 
 Dragonfly, Ecuador. It's just got thru raining, and found this insect all wet.
 Wasp on flower
   Japanese Beetle,Minnesota. 
 Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle.
 Japanese Beetle,Mating pair in Minnesota 
 Sex seems to be everywhere.
 Spotted Asparagus Beetle
 Tule Bluet Dragonfly, Minnesota. 
 Pyrota, in the family of Blister Beetles
 Snail on a fence, Balboa Isand.
 Katydid Grasshopper, Balboa Island, Newport Beach, Ca.
 I believe he is in the spider family.  Rocky  Mountains, Canada.
 Wasps in my back yard. If you look closely the two parents have built a nest, and inside is one egg.
 Wasp building a nest.
 Green June Beetle, Los Angles, Ca.
 Convergent Lady Beetle, Utah
 Katydid Grasshopper
 Inch Worm
 Western Conifer Seed Bug
 Katydid, Grasshopper
 Wasp, Huntington Beach, Ca.
 Green Bottle Fly
 Box Elder Bug. Congregate in large numbers.
 Love on a plant leaf, Minneasota
 Katydid, Grasshopper.
 Pennsylvania Leatherwing
 Green Bottle Fly
 Grasshopper, Galapagos Islands. 2010  
 Hover Fly, mimics wasps
 Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle 
 Convergent Lady Beetle, Anchorage, Alaska
 Giant Leopard Moth, San Antonio, Texas
 Convergent Lady Beetle
 Grasshopper in early nymph stages, Central Park, Huntington Beach, Ca.
 Praying Matis, Africa
 Katydid Grasshopper
 Long-legged Fly
 Cane Fly
 Hover Fly
 Cane Fly,Huntington Beach,Ca.
 Green Bottle Fly. This mostly likely the fly you are trying to kill in your home. Very common, but check out those huge red eyes!
 Grasshopper, Ecuador 
 Cane Fly Wing, Huntington Beach, Ca.
 Goldern Orb Spider, Costa Rica.
 Spider. Huntington Beach, Ca.
 Spider Web.
 Golden Orb Spider, Costa Rica.
 Jumping Spider. Check out his eyes. (he also has a pair of eyes on top of his head.)
 Spider on my front porch.
 Dragonfly, Minnesota.   
 Dragonfly, Borneo, 2017
 Borneo, 2017
 Borneo 2017
 Juvenile Praying Mantis , Borneo 2017
 Borneo ( 3-4 inches in length)
 Leech in Borneo
 Western Conifer Seed Bug
 Leech in Borneo
 Stag Beetle, Borneo
 Always looking for those bugs!
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